Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Hunger Games Trilogy Re-read*

I recently started re-reading The Hunger Games trilogy and I'm finding that they are just as exciting and as vivid as the first time I read them.  The reason that I love these books is because these are the very first books in which I can relate to the attributes, personalities and choices of two characters: Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark.  Katniss is a very strong, independent young woman who has taken up the role of the head of the household since her father dies, leaving behind Katniss, her little sister, Prim, and her mother to take care of each other.  Everyone would expect Katniss' mother to take care of her children, but she falls into a deep and immobilizing depression and the responsibility is left to Katniss.  I can relate to Katniss' newfound responsibility when her father died because I felt that I had the same responsibility when my father would deploy overseas for up to six months at a time.  Though my mother was not like Katniss' mother and I didn't have to hunt for food to feed my family, I felt extremely protective of my family, especially of my little brother, just like Katniss felt extremely protective of Prim.  Peeta, on the other hand, is a soft-spoken yet passionate and dependable young man who selflessly cares for Katniss, her wellbeing and her safety throughout the games.  I would say that I'm similar to Peeta in the sense that I'm very passionate about the people I love and the things I love doing and when it comes to being there for those who need me I would say that I'm dependable, but I would say that I'm not as soft-spoken as Peeta.  So, although I do relate to both Peeta and Katniss, I seem to have more in common with Katniss than I do with Peeta.

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