Saturday, October 19, 2013

Recommending The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones is one of the best books I have read so far.  It was sad, scary, somewhat disturbing, but it was also an absolutely amazing tale of a young girl's version heaven with a view of the world below.  The Lovely Bones is the story of a fourteen-year-old girl named Susie Salmon who was brutally murdered by her neighbor, Mr. Harvey, however only Susie, Mr. Harvey and the reader share that information.  Almost immediately after her murder, she is separated from her body and enters a heaven-like purgatory where she can watch the lives of her family and friends (in this book, there are two "levels" of heaven; Susie still wishes to watch those who are still living, so she is in the first level.  When the person who has died finally accepts their death and stops watching the world of the living, he/she moves into a different heaven, one completely void of pain, however the people who enter this level must freely give up watching the world of the living).  From this heaven, Susie is almost tortured by watching her family struggle with her death and with the dead-end police investigation of her murder over the years.  Honestly, the plot of this story is hard to explain, and reading this description of The Lovely Bones does not compare to reading the actual story.

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