Monday, January 6, 2014

Matched I

     I just received a book for Christmas called Matched, written by Ally Condie, from a friend; I've only read the first few chapters but it seems like a good book. The book takes place in what seems to be future America (I'm just guessing; the book doesn't really say). Condie describes it as more civilized and orderly than the world we live in today. The Society, as it is called in the book, runs the entire nation in a structured and orderly fashion; there is no crime, no sickness, no poverty.  Citizens don't have a say like we do. They do as they are told. Guided by Officials, their version of police officers, the citizens are placed into different careers based on their skills, they are told where to live, and they are matched with a spouse that is chosen for them (if they wish). Not only does the government do this for all its citizens, but it also requires everyone to carry a small case, containing three pills, wherever they go. The first two pills, blue and green, are fairly harmless; they calm anxiety and can be taken whenever the carrier wants. The third pill, the red one, is a mystery; no one is allowed to even touch it unless an official tells you to do so. Pretty crazy right? The book's main character is a young girl named Cassia. The story begins with Cassia and her family heading to the matching banquet; she will soon find out who her chosen husband will be. It sounds like an interesting story and I am looking forward to reading more!

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